Individual Adults

I often work with adult clients who are going through a major life moment (e.g., moving, career questioning, relational difficulty, break-up, loss, identity exploration) and are using this impetus as an opportunity for reflection, growth, and healing. It is during the difficult times that our old patterns and habits show up and trauma responses are activated. This is an opportune time to notice what is happening, stabilize, and grow. I also tend to see people who are feeling stuck, on the verge of change, and not knowing how to get there.

* Life transitions (new relationships, breakups, moving, career changes)
* Relationship issues (intimate partner, family of origin, siblings, poly folx, etc.)
* Self-esteem
* Trauma
* Anxiety and depression
* Identity Exploration
* Queers and trans issues
* Cisgender people questioning gender roles and expectations
* Outsiders, activists, and rebels
* Minority stress / systemic oppression
* Neurodiversity
* Creatives and artists
* Spiritual / contemplative practices
* Grief and loss